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MOA Unveils Mobius-Inspired Amphitheatre in Tunisia


Antwerp-based office Making of Architecture (MOA) has unveiled their first project in Tunisia – an amphitheater-like event space that will be located in a future “art village” development. Named “ARENA,” the site is located in Utique – an ancient, archaeologically-rich region near Tunis. Says MOA: “Placed in the heart of the future art village, the ARENA will be a place where local & renowned artists could meet and exchange with visitors; it’s also a place where you could enjoy a concert and open-air events.”

MOA Unveils Mobius-Inspired Amphitheatre in Tunisia - More Images+ 15

The area’s materials, colors and landscape inspire the building. The project is discreetly set into the sensitive nature, oriented towards the landscape – MOA.

Courtesy of MOA

Embedded into the side of a hill, ARENA takes inspiration from a Mobius strip, which informs the buildings curving façade. The bleachers, in contrast are placed orthogonal to the level curves of the site hill.

Courtesy of MOA
Courtesy of MOA

This ‘Mobius’ shape also informs the buildings program, reuniting both indoor and outdoor event spaces and providing audiences with the view towards the lake, which the site overlooks. Says MOA: “The building becomes a subtle yet distinctive structure that respects its surroundings. At the same time, it stands proud and visible in the landscape with a unique architectural identity, creating a new iconic landmark.”

Courtesy of MOA
Courtesy of MOA

The building’s architectural organization follows the rugged landscape, creating two floor plans, with double height spaces facing the lake. Inside, flexible rooms provide space for meeting, workshops, exhibitions and market stands, aiming to be part of the everyday life in the village.

Courtesy of MOA
Courtesy of MOA

Terraced landscaping offers informal recreational space for visitors, as well as guiding people on the outside of the building towards the main entry or the café.

Courtesy of MOA

As a real social hub, the art village ARENA is brought as an activator inspired from the city life into an agriculture site – MOA.

News via: MOA.

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Project location

Address:Utica, Tunisia

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
About this office
Cite: Sabrina Syed. "MOA Unveils Mobius-Inspired Amphitheatre in Tunisia" 06 Sep 2017. ArchDaily. Accessed 23 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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